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    I am marking this moment. The moment where I declare I am trusting God in this suffering. STABILITY GONE About a year ago as my life changed radically over night I began praying a pretty bold prayer. I literally had my “rug of stability” pulled, no, yanked out from under me. Everything I had built my life upon suddenly laying in a pile of shambles right in front of me. It was a bittersweet time, because among the mess I was in, I was about to marry the man of my dreams. From a distance it appeared as though my life was finally falling into place, but the reality was…

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    We lust after the deceitfulness of riches. We get entangled in the cares of this world. We place value in the types of friends we have. But what all of these things are actually doing is choking us from the breath of God. The part that is hard for me to wrap my brain around is the fact that none of us, are free from the tides of these traps. The tide will always come back in. That is a fact. The lies will always find a crack in our foundation to creep through with intention of entangling us in yet again another choke hold, with the goal of complete…

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    “Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe.” Hebrews 12:28 God’s SO big! The size of our God is just not something we can fathom. There are times in my life, when BIG moments happen… you know, the moments that stop you dead in your tracks and take your breath away. The moments where God simply blows our mind. I try and wrap my mind around what he is doing, and just simply can’t. The stitching together of our every fiber is something we often overlook. Just because we don’t stop to…

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    Here I am again, soaking in another “put this down” moment. Face to face with Jesus and his hand so gently extended out in request for me to release the grip I have on yet another plan I’ve designed for myself. I WOULDN’T DARE CHANGE THE VALLEY As difficult, heartbreaking, and stressful this last year has been in regards to my career and business, I wouldn’t dare change the valley I’ve walked through. “It was all a waste”, the lingering thought that tries to creep in any opportunity given to do so. I GOT RESTLESS A year ago I found myself desiring more. The stable, secure foundation I had built…



      Lymphatic drainage is the current conversation in the beauty world. The thing I love about this industry is how things cycle back around. Lymphatic drainage is being talked about like it’s this brand new breakthrough facial massage that contours and lifts the face, but it’s not. It’s been around FOREVER. I remember in esthetician school 12 years ago learning about it, and back then it was historic. Every esthetician knows about lymphatic drainage, however not every esthetician sees the value in making it a massive part of their facial treatment. Today I want to talk ALL THINGS LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE, and why you desperately need it in your life. Our…



    The gospel of Jesus Christ is not meant to be an aspect of your theology and life. The gospel of Jesus Christ is meant to become your life as a believer. We so often narrow it down to this little category of our lives, and that is what places limitations on our faith. Non-believers look at Christians and think they are boxing in their lives, and live in a limited space. They think if they go down that road they will live a small, insignificant and very limited existence. I know I did before coming to my faith. That is because they have oftentimes viewed a Christian life that is limited.…


    “YOU’RE FAT!”

    “YOU’RE  FAT!”  The words that echoed as I swung on the swings when I was in second grade. I remember it like it was yesterday. I also remember just before, gazing out at the world every time that swing hit the high point. I felt free and so full of joy. Within moments those feelings were stolen through some very hurtful words. I imagine that kid today doesn’t remember saying those words to me. Why would he? We’ve all said things we don’t remember. Mostly we don’t remember because they didn’t affect us or attach us to a specific feeling like his words did to me.    I HATE THOSE…

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    I’ve got all the tools and access in the world to achieving beautiful, stunning skin, yet I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the factors that often get overlooked. I believe those overlooked factors play an even bigger role than we realize, and potentially could be the missing link to achieving our common goal of better skin.   So let me ask you to mentally raise your hand if you want dewy, bright, yummy skin ?  I know I do. In my book, the dewier (not sure that’s even a word) the better. Forget mattifying foundations, and oil control creams. I want my face to look wet! I want my…



    “You’ve done it again. You’ve screwed up AGAIN. What a complete and utter failure you are.” Words that have literally been plaguing me for the greater part of the last 6 months of my life. I find myself at a crossroads. I am torn. Torn between my knowledge of the truth. The truth being that these words… are nothing but lies. On the other hand, they feel so real. So real, that  I can’t help but consider if this is just the reality of my existence. THE OCEAN OF FAILURE AND DEFEAT When I am in these moments where I feel like I am rapidly sinking in an ocean of failure…

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    I’m all about self love, but let’s be real, I hate brown spots and wrinkles. And I know most of you do too. I’ve used a lot of products over the years. A lot of good products, some bad, and some that just didn’t do anything. My all time favorite, must have product, is IS Clinical’s Active Serum. The main reason, the results are consistent with every skin type. As an esthetician, we love consistency, and results we can expect, and rely on to deliver to our clients. We love products that make our clients come back for more. MAGIC ERASER RESULTS The magic eraser affects of Active Serum are…