\\DO NOT BE ANXIOUS// highlighted in red, underlined and starred. That means when I read those words in my bible, that it meant serious business.     “And which of you, by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?” Wow, why can’t I think of those words every time I feel afraid or worried!? I’ll be honest, these last few months have been an incredibly exciting and TOUGH whirlwind. So many dreams came true, while one very big dream fell apart. In the midst of all the life changes that were rapidly happening, I found myself beginning to operate out of a place of fear. Little…



    What’s the deal with microneedling? Is the hype real? In my opinion, yes it is. This is not just something the Kardashian’s tried that’s going to be forgotten before the end of summer. This is a treatment that I stand behind and 100% support and promote. Why? Well, because I’ve seen the results. I’ve gotten the texts and feedback from clients telling me they are blown away at what is happening to their skin.   I think most estheticians would agree with me when I say that I like consistent treatments. What I mean by that is I love a good, results-oriented new treatment or peel, but not at the cost…



    Ok girls, this is a topic I feel as though I am constantly repeating myself on. Over and over, all day, every single day, I am sharing on this topic as if it’s brand new information that will change your life forever. I do that because, it is in fact, life-changing. I remember when I was 25, destroying my gut. I literally, permanently destroyed my gut. I made the foolish decision to have a surgery I did not need and ended up with an expensive 3 week stay in the hospital in isolation getting treated for MRSA.     You treat MRSA with antibiotics. Not just any antibiotics, but the kind…

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    SO THIS IS 33

    Today I’m 33 years old. Today, on my 33rd birthday, I woke up and didn’t experience what I normally have on past birthdays. No, today was different. I woke up today to this overwhelming feeling of security and contentment. I’ve written about contentment before, and how important it is to strive for, and I still believe that to be true. But, today there was no striving. It was just present, in my life, right now. I usually wake up and go through a series of highs and lows. The emotional roller coaster I always manage to find myself on has been something I could rely on experiencing. As I sit…