What’s the deal with microneedling? Is the hype real? In my opinion, yes it is. This is not just something the Kardashian’s tried that’s going to be forgotten before the end of summer. This is a treatment that I stand behind and 100% support and promote. Why? Well, because I’ve seen the results. I’ve gotten the texts and feedback from clients telling me they are blown away at what is happening to their skin.   I think most estheticians would agree with me when I say that I like consistent treatments. What I mean by that is I love a good, results-oriented new treatment or peel, but not at the cost…



    I’m over it. Worrying about what I’ll look like in a bikini on my upcoming honeymoon. Feeling intense, gut-wrenching guilt because I had dessert. Or even feeling intense, gut-wrenching guilt because I had grains after 3:00pm.  I’m over it. Feeling like I can’t be your friend, because I’m not as pretty as you. Feeling like I’m not as good at my job because my clothes aren’t as expensive. And feeling like I’m certainly not as healthy as you because I eat bread.  I am so, totally over it.        Here’s the bottom line (pun intended): The size of my jeans won’t heal the sick. It won’t end poverty.…



    Ok girls, this is a topic I feel as though I am constantly repeating myself on. Over and over, all day, every single day, I am sharing on this topic as if it’s brand new information that will change your life forever. I do that because, it is in fact, life-changing. I remember when I was 25, destroying my gut. I literally, permanently destroyed my gut. I made the foolish decision to have a surgery I did not need and ended up with an expensive 3 week stay in the hospital in isolation getting treated for MRSA.     You treat MRSA with antibiotics. Not just any antibiotics, but the kind…

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    SO THIS IS 33

    Today I’m 33 years old. Today, on my 33rd birthday, I woke up and didn’t experience what I normally have on past birthdays. No, today was different. I woke up today to this overwhelming feeling of security and contentment. I’ve written about contentment before, and how important it is to strive for, and I still believe that to be true. But, today there was no striving. It was just present, in my life, right now. I usually wake up and go through a series of highs and lows. The emotional roller coaster I always manage to find myself on has been something I could rely on experiencing. As I sit…

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    While I was at work yesterday, taking a break, I checked my emails and received an email from someone I hadn’t even realized had my email address. She was a long time client of mine. I guess we had exchanged emails at some point. I had never received anything from her via email, so I opened it up. The title of the message was something along the lines of “What is your word for 2017?” As I continued to read, the first thing that I saw was Philippians 4:11. Paul is talking about contentment. “I have learned to be content, whatever the circumstances.” The thing that I took home from…

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    The Power of Your Words

    Death and life are in the power of the tongue,  and those who love it and indulge it will eat it’s fruit and bear the consequences of their words. Proverbs 18:21 It’s the end of her day. She sits at her vanity. She looks at her reflection in the mirror. For the first time that day she is real. She is vulnerable.  The time has come where she can unload the weight of the mask she has worn all day. She wipes away the makeup. And removes the eye lashes. Little by little she takes the steps to facing her real self in the mirror. This is a moment she…

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    I am KC

      A little bit about Lavender and Lemons. The idea behind this blog is I wanted to create a place where women can come and get a real, raw, honest perspective on the things we women go through in our day to day lives. I am far from perfect, and rarely am I living up to capacity I imagine my life to be. But, I do  have a little bit of experience, knowledge, and a goal of complete transparency.  I am just a girl with a testimony, life experience, and a passion to serve the Lord. I will be bringing you posts that cover the following; beauty tips and tricks,…