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    I am marking this moment. The moment where I declare I am trusting God in this suffering. STABILITY GONE About a year ago as my life changed radically over night I began praying a pretty bold prayer. I literally had my “rug of stability” pulled, no, yanked out from under me. Everything I had built my life upon suddenly laying in a pile of shambles right in front of me. It was a bittersweet time, because among the mess I was in, I was about to marry the man of my dreams. From a distance it appeared as though my life was finally falling into place, but the reality was…



    I remember laying on my bed, sobbing my eyes out. I was miserable. Angry. Confused. Alone. I had just ended a relationship with the person I had moved to Southern California for, and now it was over, and I was left broken beyond what I even knew then. I was mentally sick from the toxic relationship I’d tried to make work, now with engrained misconceptions about who I am and what I’m valued for. I felt nearly brainwashed. I had changed my entire life for this relationship, and now I was stuck hundreds of miles away from family, crying my eyes out in a room I rented in a home…