The Power of Your Words
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat it’s fruit and bear the consequences of their words. Proverbs 18:21 It’s the end of her day. She sits at her vanity. She looks at her reflection in the mirror. For the first time that day she is real. She is vulnerable. The time has come where she can unload the weight of the mask she has worn all day. She wipes away the makeup. And removes the eye lashes. Little by little she takes the steps to facing her real self in the mirror. This is a moment she…
I am KC
A little bit about Lavender and Lemons. The idea behind this blog is I wanted to create a place where women can come and get a real, raw, honest perspective on the things we women go through in our day to day lives. I am far from perfect, and rarely am I living up to capacity I imagine my life to be. But, I do have a little bit of experience, knowledge, and a goal of complete transparency. I am just a girl with a testimony, life experience, and a passion to serve the Lord. I will be bringing you posts that cover the following; beauty tips and tricks,…