Ok girls, this is a topic I feel as though I am constantly repeating myself on. Over and over, all day, every single day, I am sharing on this topic as if it’s brand new information that will change your life forever. I do that because, it is in fact, life-changing. I remember when I was 25, destroying my gut. I literally, permanently destroyed my gut.

I made the foolish decision to have a surgery I did not need and ended up with an expensive 3 week stay in the hospital in isolation getting treated for MRSA.



You treat MRSA with antibiotics. Not just any antibiotics, but the kind that they use as a last resort because they are so strong and so damaging to our bodies. Especially our gut. Don’t get me wrong, ALL antibiotics are gut destroyers, we should absolutely avoid them at all costs unless we are in a life or death situation. And not to sound dramatic, but this was one of those moments for me. I continued on these antibiotics for 3 months following my hospital visit through IV with the help of a home nurse. Needless to say, this was a very difficult time for me emotionally and physically.

Fast forward to today, I am 34 and cannot eat much without excruciating pain and bloating. Food literally affects every aspect of my health. My mental health, hormones, mood, sleep patterns, stomach, and my skin are all affected radically by what I eat.

Being an esthetician for 13 years, I felt a pull towards anyone suffering from acne. Quite possibly because I struggle with it myself. I have spent extra time researching and studying the root cause of acne and what its triggers are. The majority of my clients with acne initially are looking for a facial treatment and an at-home product that will magically clear up their acne. They come hopeful of a resolution because acne is painful. Not just physically, but emotionally. I get it. I’ve been there. As an adult, as a teenager, it’s never easy and it rarely makes any sense.

My heart breaks when a hopeful woman of any age comes to me, and in a vulnerable moment confesses her insecurity related to her acne. It’s incredibly painful for me to witness the suffering the client is experiencing.


The good news is there is hope! For some, what I tell them makes sense. They are intrigued and almost even fascinated by the information I am relaying to them. I often see hope restoring within them right before my eyes. I love when this happens. Those moments are the moments that make me fall in love with what I do over and over again. Those moments are the driving force to want to share and help more people who suffer from skin issues. Then there are those who do not receive it. They have it imprinted in their mind that acne is caused by something they are putting on their skin. I say this with love: acne is rarely caused by something we put on our skin. If our gut is functioning properly, our hormones will begin to balance, and our skin has very little issues. When our gut is healthy, we can literally put any product on our face. I’m not suggesting that all products are good, but I am saying the product is not the issue unless we are allergic to it. But guess what!? A healthy, functioning gut equals fewer allergies. An inflamed, angry gut equals acne, allergies, sickness, depression, anxiety, and a long laundry list of other physical issues. So, the good news is that there is hope.


Ok, so how do we heal our guts? This is my personal Goliath. Why? Because no two people are the same. I can’t even begin to go into everything I’ve learned, tried, experienced, experimented, etc. without this turning into a 300-page book. I am not an expert, I am not a doctor or scientist; I am just a girl who is stubborn and wants answers. I want to feel the best I possibly can. I want to be a light to people, I want joy to radiate from me every day in every situation. I cannot do that if I feel lousy and am embarrassed to look people in the eye because of the cystic acne my face is covered in.

So here is the foundation….. first are the cuts, this list is non-negotiable for the first 30 days. After that, you can reintroduce some foods, but you must go by the 80/20 rule. You follow the cut list 80% of the time, and 20% you enjoy some foods that do not upset your tummy.


The 3 non-negotiables are gluten, dairy, and processed sugar. And to be completely honest with you, after 30 days I still do not eat any of these 3 items almost ever. It is a rare occasion, possibly a special occasion, that I will have any of these 3 things. And if I do have them, I know there will be consequences. I am in pain for 2-3 days, and on that 3rd day, cystic acne starts to pop up. The only thing I have no issues with is cheese, praise Jesus for that! This is not the case for most. But cheese does not have lactose, like all other dairy products, so it is a little easier to digest and break down. A few things that absolutely must be incorporated into your daily life are probiotics, bone broth, and George’s Aloe Vera. All 3 are crucial to healing your gut and keeping it healthy.


I know for some this is a major life change, that almost feels impossible. To others, they just need to make a few tweaks to how they are already eating and it’s no biggie. Regardless, it’s time to focus on the care of our guts. I promise you that everything will begin to feel better. It’s like you’re killing 12 birds with one stone. And it’s amazing what begins to happen almost immediately. We all want to feel more energy, be more patient, sleep better, and feel less anxious throughout our day. We all seek better, younger skin, free of blemishes and marks. I’m telling you from my own personal experience, along with hundreds of others over the years, that this is life-changing and the answer to most of our skin and health issues.


One Comment

  • Tamara

    Hi; lived reading this!! And perfectly said to whatnot dealing with right now. I had no idea how important it is to have a healthy gut! I’m very interested in adding these things into my daily life; but curious how to do this. Suggestions on the drink mixes you do.
    Thanks so much!
    xo Tamara

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