\\DO NOT BE ANXIOUS// highlighted in red, underlined and starred. That means when I read those words in my bible, that it meant serious business.



“And which of you, by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?”

Wow, why can’t I think of those words every time I feel afraid or worried!? I’ll be honest, these last few months have been an incredibly exciting and TOUGH whirlwind. So many dreams came true, while one very big dream fell apart. In the midst of all the life changes that were rapidly happening, I found myself beginning to operate out of a place of fear. Little by little, fear crept in and began to take its comfortable root within my mind. Without any awareness, those roots began to spread to my heart, and quickly made an attempt to plant themselves within my soul.


It creeps in on the sly, because once identified, it usually is demolished. As a Christian, I understand where fear comes from. I understand its power. And I understand the power within me to fight against it. But what I’ve come to realize is as long as I’m unaware that fear has snuck in through a crack in my life, I am powerless to use the weapon of Jesus against it. If I can help make you aware of fear taking root somewhere within you today by sharing my own personal experience with it, then it makes it all worth it.


Some of the symptoms I experience when fear has taken root somewhere within me are a lack of peace in my heart and mind. I become irritable because I don’t sleep, I stay awake at night overwhelmed with thoughts and checklists of everything that needs to get done, my self love and acceptance begins to break down, thoughts of self-hatred start speaking to me again, and I start doubting God’s plan for my life. There begins to feel like this distance between us, when in reality, I’ve started building an emotional wall around my heart. When this happens it’s scary because we don’t willingly grant access to intruders in our lives. It’s like having someone break into your home. It’s traumatizing. They break into your safe place, and they steal from you. It’s the same thing with fear. It’s a violation and it makes it really hard for us to trust once we’ve been deceived and stolen from. Do not allow fear to attach itself to you. Do not allow fear to make you operate and function from a place of darkness.

Take a break from your phones, unplug from social media, and plug into the word of God. FEAR CANNOT STAND TRUTH. If your Bible is collecting dust, and you’re beginning to realize fear has planted itself within you, then dust off your bible, open it and declare God’s powerful, life-giving truth over fear. And watch how quickly it flees and you are liberated.


xo, KC

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