One of the reasons I find being an esthetician to be so much fun is because no two clients are the same. Every client will have completely different needs, goals, and reactions to treatments. From one appointment to another, I basically get to play scientist with deliciously aromatic ingredients, forming one reaction after another in the skin to get it to be happier, healthier, and more radiant. But one thing I have noticed in the diversity of these clients’ needs, is that there are a few staple rules and guidelines that apply to everyone’s face, and the number of clients I have interacted with who were unaware of these essentials was surprising, and a little alarming. So, as your virtual esthetician for the day, I am going to share with you my Top 5 Skincare Staples I want every single client to know and apply, that are absolutely essential for the health and longevity of your skin. 



One of the first questions I ask when treating a new client is, “are you using anything at home to exfoliate, and if so, how often do you use it?” Sometimes I hear the answer that satisfies my skin-loving soul, but more often than not, I hear one of two things. Either they will tell me that they really aren’t exfoliating, just using a gentle cleanser, or they will tell me that they’re exfoliating every night. Both these answers make me shudder. The appropriate amount of exfoliation will absolutely vary depending on skin type and sensitivity, but the general rule of thumb is 2-3x per week.

If you aren’t exfoliating, you’re creating a build-up on the surface of your skin made up of dirt, oil, debris, bacteria, pollutants, and all the other yucky things your skin comes into contact with during the day. You can picture this build-up as a layer of plastic wrap over your face. The “plastic wrap” layer will be detrimental in a number of ways. It can cause your skin to look dull from all the dead skin gathered, it can clog pores and lead to breakouts and premature aging, and it will also prevent the rest of your skin care products from working efficiently. If you applied that expensive night serum you just got onto a layer of plastic wrap, and then laid it over your skin, do you really think you’ll see results?

On the flip side, over-exfoliating can also cause the look of red, flaky skin because its protective barrier has been stripped. Your skin will become more sensitive and irritable, and trust me, exfoliating every day won’t cure the acne. In fact, the opposite is very likely because your skin will begin to produce even more oil to make up for it being stripped so severely. You need a certain amount of oil in the skin in order to keep it protected. Exfoliating 2-3x per week will not only keep the dead skin and oil build-up at bay, but will also allow for better penetration of your other products, allowing your skin to respond to products the way you want it to.


Seriously. And it’s okay if you’re skeptical. I was, too, and I’m an esthetician. But as it turns out, I have been made aware of how serious some of my food sensitivities are (like gluten and dairy), because when I eat those things, I break out all over. Here a zit, there a zit, everywhere a zit, zit. The skin is the largest organ of your body and it will act as a window into your body’s overall health. So many times, acne is actually a result of something you’re eating or something going on in your gut. KC is an expert in this area, so if you’re interested in learning more on this subject, check out her blog, “Go With Your Gut Feeling”.


Most of us understand the importance of washing your face at night. Aside from just removing makeup, it’s important to cleanse the skin of dirt and pollutants that are sitting on the skin that causes breakouts and premature aging. The skin goes to work at night, where it will actively turn over cells, exchanging dead ones for new ones. Having an appropriate evening skin care routine will give your skin the best environment for this cellular turnover process, which allows your skin to look younger longer.

But it’s also very important to wash your face in the morning. I know you didn’t go outside in your sleep (hopefully), and you certainly didn’t have on makeup (I BEG YOU), but remeber that cellular turnover process I just mentioned? Well, while that happens, your skin is getting rid of those dead cells and secreting oil. It’s important to cleanse your skin and get rid of all of that in the morning to give your skin a fresh slate.


SPF. You immediately recognize that acronymn as the thing to look for to keep your skin protected from the sun. But the little number after that… 15… 30… 50… it actually does mean something. If you’re already applying sunscreen at the end of your skin care routine, that’s great. It makes me so happy to hear when clients do that regularly. But unfortunately, that SPF 30 doesn’t count anymore after 300 minutes. The skin will begin to burn after about 10 minutes of full exposure to the sun. An SPF 30, for example, means that the skin will be 30x more resistant to the sun than it is without a sunscreen. For all of you who aren’t good at math, that’s 300 minutes. After 300 minutes, you’re back to square one, SPF 0. It’s extremely important that you take note of the SPF in your sunscreen and actually reapply it as necessary in order for your skin to stay protected.


All of the jaw-droppers, scoffers, and skeptic side-eye givers out there, I see you. Don’t hate. This is a big one, and it’s true. You have 80% control over how your skin ages. That means only 20% of how your skin will age is due to your genetics. Everything else is in your power. No pressure? Here me when I say that age correction is a lot more complicated than age prevention. It’s harder to fix something that is damaged than to prevent the damage in the first place. Much of aging is due to exposure to the sun and environmental stressors like pollutants and free radicals. These things cause the wrinkles and hyperpigmentation (sun spots) to show up much quicker than they should. Wearing a sunscreen and a Vitamin C serum are incredibly easly, timeless steps that prevent this from occuring. Not to mention, your collagen production will beging to slow down in your late twenties, so it’s very important to start using products like eye creams to prevent the crow’s feet before the crow’s feet come along, and you have to find a way to get rid of them. If you don’t trust me, ask your mom if she still wishes she’d spent all those days sunbathing on the beach when she was 18. 


These 5 Skincare Staples are legitimate game-changers that I wish everyone would implement into their routines. If you’re reading this thinking, “I’m just not that obsessed with looking young forever,” then guess what? I’m not either. I think life is beautiful and there is no shame in getting older. But as your virtual esthetician for the day, hear me when I say that these are not important for reasons of vanity. These staples are important in order to protect your body’s largest organ, which happens to be on the outside of your body. You get one life. You get one body. You get one face. Be good to you.



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