We often derail ourselves from the course set before us.

Sometimes we do it daily. Even multiple times a day. It’s scary to really think of that. There is a path that has been paved specifically for our lives. A path that was paved with love and intention. Some of us go so far off the path, we lose ourselves and we lose the truth of our identity. Some of us never come back. Others will spend their lives draining their own resources, swerving on and off the path over and over again. And then there are those that see their path, see the truth, and it clicks for them [[John 8:32]]. This understanding that the journey set before them most likely isn’t the same as the one they wrote for themselves. And they finally surrender to that truth. Hear me when I say this to you: surrender to that truth.

Your path was designed for you and you only, and if you yield to it, you will see how beautifully and carefully it was designed just for you. I resisted mine for a very long time. Unwilling to yield, and untrusting to take my hands off the steering wheel and allow Jesus to take over. It hurt me. Bad. It’s taken years to heal those wounds. But I don’t care. All that matters to me today is that I finally gave up the fight. The fight to control and manipulate my way through life. I was desperate for validation and starving for love. In my own shame, I tried to earn both and ended up even more empty inside. I wish I could shake and force this truth into so many people. It’s painful to see the striving, the pursuing of wrongs things, and the endless chase to find something that will fill empty souls. It’s especially painful, quite possibly, because that was me not that long ago. I want to remind you again, there is a path that was designed specifically for your life. It doesn’t look like mine or the person’s sitting next to you. But try and wrap your brain around the fact that IT IS YOURS. No one else can claim it, take it, or write it for their own story. We don’t have that kind of power. Only Jesus does. God has a plan for you, He has a plan for your life. Please don’t miss it. [[Phil 3:12]]

➡➡➡ 1 Chronicles 29:11 – “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all.”



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