

I’ve got all the tools and access in the world to achieving beautiful, stunning skin, yet I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the factors that often get overlooked. I believe those overlooked factors play an even bigger role than we realize, and potentially could be the missing link to achieving our common goal of better skin.


So let me ask you to mentally raise your hand if you want dewy, bright, yummy skin ?  I know I do. In my book, the dewier (not sure that’s even a word) the better. Forget mattifying foundations, and oil control creams. I want my face to look wet!

I want my skin to glow, look vibrant, and most important, healthy. That’s my goal. If this sounds like your goal, then you want to continue reading.


It’s a safe guess that you rarely consider how fragile your skin is? Stress is a major glow stealer. Other factors that I would also bet money rarely are a consideration to most women; lack of sleep, nutrition, prescription medications, smoking, sun damage, pollution, alcohol, and the list goes on. Basically, the moment you wake up there’s a lot of pesky little soldiers fighting against the health and appearance of your skin.


The thing that baffles me is there is so much you can do right now to improve your skin. That’s right, I said right now.  And the best part, there is so much you can do that DOES NOT include expensive skincare products. [[DISCLAIMER]] Good skincare is critical. I am in no way minimizing the positive and crucial affects good skin care both morning and night will have on your skin. However, that is not what this article is about.  I want us to focus on the changes we can make in our daily routine to progressively improve the quality of our skin PERMANENTLY with lifestyle changes and easy at home remedies.
Protect: Spf, hats and shade are your new best friends. Cling tight to all 3 because you absolutely cannot improve your skin if you are exposing your skin to the sun. I am not saying stay in doors. I am saying protect your skin. I cannot stress this one enough.
Sleep: Sleep is when our body restores itself. The largest organ in our body is our skin, so it’s the largest organ dependent on sleep. This is why your night time skin routine is so important. You aren’t just slapping product on your face, you’re applying it right before your body is about to go into restoration mode while you sleep. The two work together. If you are not getting enough sleep you are missing out on this restoration process, and you’re adding stress to your life which affects your skin.
Relieve Stress: Stress will cause your skin to look tired, old, and dehydrated when it’s not. It will cause cystic acne, and post inflammatory pigmentation. Find what works for you, pour into yourself, get rest, eat good foods, balance your hormones, take yoga, workout, laugh, do whatever it takes to rid your life of stress because it wrecks havoc on your skin.
Nutrition: What are you eating? Because it’s not just going to show up on the scale, it’s going to show up on your face as well. Please consider what you’re putting in your body. I am not saying restrict yourself of calories or eat “diet” foods. I’m saying eat whole foods, fruits, healthy fats, vegetables, lean meats, and nuts. Cut the sugar and dairy because both will show up on your face. That I can promise you.
Start doing more: Icing your face, get turmeric in your diet as much as possible, take vitamin C, and collagen, drink green juice. The list goes on, I can write and write and write about all the things we should and shouldn’t do to improve the appearance of our skin but I will stop here.

Improve your quality of life

The good news is all these things that are improving your skin, will improve your entire quality of life as well. This is a win win in my book. Make a check list, move some things around, go to the grocery store and load up on good foods, drink your water and get plenty of sleep and exercise.

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