I am obsessed with Christmas. Obsessed. (Why you so obsessed with me... Oops, wrong Mariah song). The moment Thanksgiving ends, the eggnog comes out, the Harry Connick Jr. comes on, and I begin squealing in delight with every Christmas song on the radio -with the exception of Wonderful Christmastime- thanking God for things like lit up wreaths on street lights, house lights that change color, and my very first Peppermint Spice Latte of the season. I am a poster girl for Christmas cheer. Think the spirit of Buddy the Elf in a five-foot-five blonde.

I think my love of Christmas comes from being raised in a family that really knows how to do Christmas, complete with decorations that compete with Macy’s, Cinnabon on Christmas Morning, and pure, unabashed enthusiasm over watching A Christmas Story for the 437th time. The other part of my love for Christmas comes from knowing what it’s actually about; from the knowledge and amazement over how the God of the universe took on the most vulnerable form of becoming human in order to bridge the gap with His treasured children. (Hey, that’s us!) And third, my love of Christmas comes from me being the ultimate, die-hard, probably (definitely) a little too proud of how good I am, gift giver. 

Making A List & Checkin’ It Twice

It is no secret to my loved ones that my Love Language is Receiving Gifts. I am absolutely elated over a surprise Starbucks latte from my hubby in the morning, or when he comes home with pink flowers just to brighten my day. And as it is with all the Love Languages, you tend to show love to others in the way you want to receive it. So Christmas? A “gifters” paradise. Coming up with what to give each of my loved ones is the most fun thing I get to do all year. It’s like a month of hall passes to get the gifts and do all the things for the people in my life that I wish I could be doing all the time. And I lose my freakin’ mind over it.

I find myself watching TV, meanwhile scrolling Amazon for stocking stuffers. I have notes on my phone of what I want to do for each person. People are coming to me and asking what they should get for so-and-so, and I’m sending them lists and suggestions. I’m thinking in advance about what I might be getting at a holiday party and if there’s anything I can re-gift for someone else. I’m making sure Christmas plans are set way in advance and having a panic attack when my husband asks if we can change a couple things. I’m going over budget plans and finances and determining where I can move this or that so I can have more to spend on the holidays. I’m speedwalking through the mall, dodging in and out of people walking slowly in a row (#canyounot?) so I can see everything, get a mental map of where to go and what to buy, and I’m swallowing anger as people cut me off, not having any regard for others around them. 

Do they not know others exist?

Holy crap they’re selfish.

Oh my gosh, I hate people.

Helloooooooooo, GREEN means GO!

I’m scramming, zooming, dashing, racing, crossing off lists, (checking them twice), running errands, making payments, completing tasks, because CHRISTMAS IS HERE AND I AM NOT READY. I don’t have the money for this. It isn’t going how I want it to. I have a plan in my head, and dang it, why can’t I just have this?!! 

As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught.  But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.” But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Luke 10:38-42

In the midst of trying to figure out how I’m going to get all these presents, I’ve forgotten the most important gift I can give. My presence.

Why You So Obsessed?

Why is it that we love Christmas so much? Is it because of the presents we get? Perhaps that’s the case when we’re kids. But as we grow up, we may really enjoy receiving something we love, but what is so intoxicating about Christmas is just being alive during the season. The crisp weather, the twinkling lights everywhere, walking down the street with a warm coffee in hand, the fireplace on in the corner, the soft music in the background… and even better than that are all the completely dysfunctional, hilarious, warm family gatherings, the laughter shared when you get to be reunited with your siblings that don’t live near you anymore, the kids that are overjoyed to be seeing Santa at the mall, the peace that is felt sitting in church on Christmas Eve and hearing beautiful voices singing, “peace on earth”.

We live in a world that is completely controlled by social media and our cell phones. We go out to dinner with a friend and leave the phone on the table next to us. We check Instagram an average of 58 times per day. We can’t enjoy seeing a beautiful display of Christmas lights without a lens in between us so we can share it to Instagram Stories (#picoritdidnthappen).

We obsess over our to-do lists, Christmas shopping still to get done, holiday parties we have to go to, travel plans we have to make, bills we have to pay, credit cards to take out in order to afford all the things that will be forgotten by this time next year, and all the while we are communicating to both God and the people around us, “This is more important than you are.” 

Listen, I’m a “Martha”. I am Type A, and there is nothing more gratifying than the feeling that I am prepared and am serving the people around me. I am sure that Martha’s heart was not in the wrong place in her efforts to make the perfect dinner for her literally perfect guest, Jesus. I bet she was absolutely thrilled to have him and she could not wait to give him the very best meal and evening at her house that she possibly could. Wouldn’t you? There is nothing wrong with that. But by doing so, she’s missing out on actually being there with Jesus.

We’re missing out on actually being there.

Don’t Miss It

I’m not going to end this blog with a profound statement about forgetting Christmas presents because that’s not what it’s about. First of all, we already know that. (Thank you every Christmas movie in the history of ever). Second of all, that doesn’t mean it isn’t an absolute blast to give presents to the people we love. I’m going to continue to squeal in delight when I get to go Christmas shopping or wrap gifts with a Hallmark movie on in the background. 

But I will say this: be mindful about what kind of present matters in the lives of those around you. 

When you’re spending time with your best friend, put your phone on silent and throw it in your bag. If someone calls, you can call them back. When you’re at home with your family, put your phone in the other room. Be with them. When you’re at a Christmas event, take a picture or two and then put it away. Enjoy it with your own eyes. Soak it in.

In the morning when you wake up, don’t open your phone to check emails and notifications and see how many likes you got on Instagram. It doesn’t matter. Let me repeat that one… INSTAGRAM DOES NOT MATTER. Instead, get up, pour a cup of coffee, and go on a walk around your block and enjoy the cold air on your face, the sound of the birds, the cars, the world around you, and talk to God. Stop obsessing over all the details of the day and things to be done and acknowledge that God is right in front of you, available for you to spend time with. We have made the most terrible mistake of trying to fit God into our schedules if we have a few minutes we can spare, and the whole time He’s saying, There’s only one thing to be concerned about.” Don’t miss it.

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