

“Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe.” Hebrews 12:28

God’s SO big!

The size of our God is just not something we can fathom. There are times in my life, when BIG moments happen… you know, the moments that stop you dead in your tracks and take your breath away. The moments where God simply blows our mind. I try and wrap my mind around what he is doing, and just simply can’t. The stitching together of our every fiber is something we often overlook. Just because we don’t stop to consider it, doesn’t mean he didn’t take careful attention and time making us who we are. The delicate details that went into the design for our life is a lost idea we rarely consider. We have been kidnapped. . .
The assault doesn’t end there, not only have we been kidnapped, but we’ve been subtly manipulated and brainwashed to not recognize it, which terrifies me. We are all very aware there is a war going on, but the war is not what we think. This fight isn’t between people with weapons, politics, nations, or strong opinions between what we believe to be right and wrong. No, this war is with ourselves. We are constantly looking outward to try and find the answer, when the answer is closer than we can see. The answer is inside. We are the problem.


In awe of our beauty, in awe of people, creation, things and accomplishments. We are in awe of ourselves, so much so, that our awe of God has been shoved, and crushed deep down into this little corner of our lives. We have been kidnapped. . .

How do we come back? This is a question I am currently pondering for my own life. I understand how easy it is to get distracted, and tangled up in this life and the carrot that it dangles in front of our face CONSTANTLY. It can be overwhelmingly difficult to come back. So I ask myself what has been lost? My answer is something I am ashamed to admit, but it’s blazing like a fire of truth. I am going to go out on a limb here and say I am not the only one who feels this way. I am going to say it once more, We have been kidnapped. . .

What We Have Lost Along The Way

We have lost our awe and wonder of God. And it breaks my heart. Maturing in my faith was something I always wanted. I came to my faith in Jesus later in life. I was 25, and so incredibly broken. This encounter with the love of Christ was not something I had ever come close to experiencing before. I remember being in His presence for the first time, trembling in tears. I felt relief. I was so desperate and starved for this kind of love, and I had no idea until I was in it. It changed me instantly, and forever. I became consumed with gratitude over this awakening within, that I literally went on with my life shouting my love for Jesus everywhere I went. I woke up anxious to get in His word and sit in His presence every single day. I fell asleep praying and worshiping His goodness. Now, 8 years laters and I can’t help but ask myself “where did that feeling go?”
I can’t help but sing this song from Bethel worship as I ask myself this burning question….

May we never never lose our wonder

May we never lose our wonder

Wide eyed and mystified

May we be just like a child

Staring at the beauty of our King

Cause you are beautiful in all your ways

Open the eyes of our heart to see you God

You fascinate me, you fascinate us

You are beautiful, you are glorious

May we never lose our wonder


We lose our wonder when we stop seeking God. When our pursuit to know Him, to get in His presence becomes a mundane task, it quickly, yet subtly begins to slip away. Suddenly we are standing in the presence of other gods, things, and people who have kidnapped our hearts. We need to come back, we need our hearts to be awakened again. I know I do. So as I sit in the quiet stillness of the demands of life around me, I come back to Jesus, desperate and hungry for his presence and love to consume every fiber of my being. I sing this song and lift him up above the noise, anxious for Him to grab onto my heart again.

My question for you isn’t will you worship, but rather what will you worship? Will you worship your creator or the things he created?


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