

About 3 years ago I received a direct message on my personal Instagram account in response to a picture I had just posted from a long time friend of mine. She wrote me to let me know after looking at the photo I had posted she noticed my thyroid looked enlarged. I immediately clicked the post to examine her observation. She was absolutely right, my thyroid was clearly swollen and enlarged. Right then, it was like I had just discovered one of final pieces of a puzzle I had been trying solve for YEARS. As I continued to think through what was going on with my health I began to realize all the other symptoms I had that were a bit alarming. My hair was breaking off, my face was darkening with Melasma (hormonal pigmentation), my nails were splitting down the middle, my joints were achy, I was exhausted constantly, sick all the time, and feeling depressed for no reason.


Before making a doctors appointment I went strait to google for answers (big mistake). Everything from hashimotos disease, to terminal cancer came up. [[Enter morbid thoughts, and extreme panic]]. My next move was getting in to see an endocrinologist. During that appointment he confirmed that my thyroid was in fact, enlarged. He had me get a lot of blood tests, and took a detailed account of the rest of my symptoms. Overall, I really appreciated his diligence. When the blood test results came back he was very cautious to say that I was boarding an auto- immune disease called hashimotos. He wanted to get me on thyroid medication immediately, as well as have me back every 3 months to make sure my thyroid didn’t get any bigger. I asked him if he would give me 3 months to begin taking medication. I said I wanted to make some life changes, and if nothing improved in 3 months I would get on medication. He agreed.


I went home and began researching hashimotos and the rest of my symptoms and came across a video of Dr. Axe talking about leaky gut syndrome. I went on Pinterest and looked up all kinds of information on both Hashimotos,  as well as leaky gut. Again, I came across a lot of resources pointing back to Dr. Axe and his products. There was a ton of information on my diet greatly affecting the symptoms of Hashimotos as well as leaky gut. “Was food really having this big of an affect on my health?” This thought blew my mind. I THOUGHT I was pretty healthy all these years. I was always choosing the “fat free” option, I tried to stay away from carbs, and gluten. I became entrenched in information on food and the affects it was having on my health and well being. I immediately made some major life changes that I have stuck with ever since. I cut out processed foods, and drastically reduced my sugar intake. I added healthy fats into my diet (this was key to balancing my hormones), and because of the fat increase, it made cutting sugar easy because I didn’t crave it anymore (praise Jesus)! I started incorporating Dr Axe’s multi collagen protein, bone broth protein, and gut healing supplement into my daily routine. I cut creamer from my coffee and replaced with almond milk, and MCT oil.


As I began to feel better  I also recognized the powerful healing benefits of collagen. The problems with my health began as my gut health started to deteriorate years ago. The condition of our gut heath is typically the bottom line for our overall health. Collagen has been recognized as one of the key supplements for gut health. It is an essential component in healing and sealing the gut. Dr. Josh Axe is very informative on a condition in the gut called “Leaky Gut,” you can find more information here. Outside of the other health, beauty and anti aging benefits of collagen the amino acids delivered by collagen  as essential to our body.

As I go through my day now, collagen is integrated into my morning, midday, and night time routine. I literally put collagen in EVERYTHING. Ancient Nutrition and Dr. Axe have partnered up and created an array of products I swear by to make it easy and even delicious. Click here to shop collagen. It’s important to get the right kind of collagen. I will only use Dr. Axe/Ancient Nutrition products. I personally prefer powder, and I usually try and get it into my system on an empty stomach. I do add it as well to smoothies, and coffee but that is in addition to my morning and night empty stomach Routine.

*** For 20% off all Dr. Axe products use my discount code: LAVENDERANDLEMONS at checkout!


By the time I went back to see the endocrinologist I had lost 15 pounds, my thyroid was shrinking, and my Melasma was lightening up. The best part….. he cleared me of needing medication and sent me on my way, with one request. That I come back for a follow up in a year if any of my symptoms came back. Fast forward and here I am with a healthy functioning thyroid and feeling SO much better.

My journey to health is still a work in progress, I am not totally satisfied with where I am currently at. However, I am not on any prescription medications, and the majority of those symptoms have remained at bay. I wouldn’t just call this progress, I would call it a miracle.

I highly recommend checking out drjoshaxe.com. Not only does he sell quality products, he is a well of knowledge. He has continued to be a reliable resource I always trust turning to for answers I am looking for.



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