Beauty Product Favs (April Edition)

Okay beauties, I am going to start sharing 5-7 monthly beauty products that I love. I am CONSTANTLY trying new things, and mixing up my rotation with the products I use, so I thought I would start sharing the products that get the “LaL Stamp of Approval” with you girls. Each product will be listed below, with a direct link for easy shopping if its something you would like to try. Think of me as your new beauty shopping resource and guide.


I have shared and spoken about this product a lot on my instagram because it truly is a “game changer” skincare product. Being an aesthetician for 15 years I have really come to appreciate the products that deliver visible and quick results. Especially the pricier products like this one. Continue reading below as I dive a little more into the details of this amazing product that I would personally put on my top 3 all time favorites list.


Have you ever heard of collagen synthesis? It’s something that slows down and eventually comes to a halt as we age. Growth Factors reduce fine lines and wrinkles as a result of *NEW* collagen synthesis. A growth factor is a powerful thing. It’s a naturally occurring substance that is capable of stimulating cellular growth. TRUST ME, you WANT this. Why? Let me break it down real quick for you…. cells in aging skin make fewer growth factors than cells in youthful skin. It’s pretty basic actually. More growth factors = more youthful skin.

Overall daily use of skincare products containing growth factors is known to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, as well as improve the overall tone and texture of your skin.

I have good news and bad news. The good news, this product is so good that it has to be purchased under the supervision of a aesthetic medical provider. That means the quality and grade of the ingredients in the product are more efficient and effective than a product you can order online. The bad news is its not as simple as adding a quick and convenient link here for you to purchase. Feel free to email me at and I can help direct you to an online medical provider for purchase, or if you live local, I may even be able to connect you with my trusted aesthetic resource in Orange County, my Nurse Practitioner bestie.


Say bye bye to your “Wet Brush” and hello to this champagne colored beauty. This brush is SO good you guys. Not only is it absolutely gorgeous, but its better than the Wet Brush.

If you have not heard of the wet brush its a brush that is intended for gentle brushing through wet and tangled hair. It doesn’t rip through, and keeps your hair from breaking as you try and wrangle your way through those knots. Its been a hair tool staple for YEARS. Until now…

If you aren’t into this color there are other options to choose from. This brush has quickly become one of my new favorite beauty obsessions!

This one is a good ole amazon find. And for the great price of just $9.99. Click here to purchase. And go ahead and thank me later. Moving on….


To all my toxin resistant girls like me: This is your new body beauty bestie. I have never been into creamy, chemical filled body lotions. In fact, I’ve just never really been into body lotions period. Who knows exactly why, but I just can’t do it.

Don’t let the name fool you. This is not cream. It’s a light and luxurious body oil. And Oh-My-Goodness is it luxurious. The smell…The texture…the way it absorbs into your skin. Its just ALL SO GOOD. I adore this body oil for so many reasons but the main reason, Its clean, simple, and high quality ingredients. Throw out your body products because this is all you need.


Let me get into my method of use. I am just sharing my way, it doesn’t mean its the right way or even the best way. But I just have found with oils a little goes a long way only if you use this little technique of mine. I keep the oil in the shower and before I dry off with my towel I apply this all over my body. The water drops help assist for easy application. Also, when applying any product onto the skin, if the skin is damp or wet prior to application, you will get better product absorption. Once its applied I blot my body dry with a towel and then bask it the beauty of my silky smooth, hydrated and glowing skin.

This is another easy amazon find. Click this link here for purchase. You may even wanna commit to the subscribe and save on this one. Enjoy!


This texture spray is a hair game changer for my girls who wave their hair on the reg. Nothing compares to this texture spray. It is pricey, but it is so worth it.

I get SO many questions on my beachy wavy hair look (that is when I actually do my hair and its not just on the top of my head in a bun), and this is my secret. This is the final step after I blow dry, wave and spray my hair with my good ole cheap $4.99 TRESemme’ hair spray. Once I am basically done with my hair, I take this texture spray and spray through the ends of my hair and then give my hair a good comb through with my hands. Not only is this texture spray the perfect touch to beach waves, it smells like heaven. Its actually unfair how good this will make your hair smell. Definitely a staple for my girls who go 5-7 days without washing like me (no shame).

You can find this stuff everywhere. I just recently purchased it at Nordstrom. You can also get it at walmart, and dermstore. Click here to purchase.


This has been a little beauty hack, secret of mine for so many years I stopped counting. Frankincense is known as natures miracle oil. The list of what this oil can do health wise goes on and on, but today I want to focus on the beauty and anti aging benefits.

I would definitely go to the extreme of claiming this product as “liquid gold” for your face. In the biblical days it was often given as one of the most precious gifts and was presented at the birth of Jesus. It was also said that Cleopatra incorporated it into her (well known) beauty regimen. Beyond the tightening affects of frankinsence, it is also known for its oil controlling properties without drying you out. Frankinsense has also been proven to help with stubborn pigmentation like melasma and other sun damage. It has the ability to strengthen the skin, improve its elasticity and tone.

Ive used it personally as an eye serum for years. Every single night after Ive applied my expensive medical grade eye gel, I roll this oil around my eyes, across my thryoid (to support thyroid health and function) and down my spine (for the immune boosting benefits). This stuff is pure magic.

You don’t want to buy just any frankincense. You want to make sure its coming from the right trusted source. There is garbage out there and I personally wouldn’t trust anything more than Doterra. I know from many years of education that Doterra goes far beyond the extra mile to provide us with top of the line, clean, safe and effective products. Doterra does not grow their own essential oils, but actually travels to the part of the world where each individual essential oil grows at the best quality. Click here to order from my personal website. If you would like to enjoy more of Doterra’s products, I high recommend signing up as a member to receive all products at a discounted rate as well as the opportunity to earn rewards to shop free goodies. If you are interested in signing up once you click the link above there is a tab at the top of the page that says “become a member” click that and it will take you through step by step instructions.

I hope you all enjoyed my April 5 Beauty Favs Blog post. I put a lot of time and thought into what I really have been loving and what I want to share with you all for my first of this series. I will be back with more to share next month!


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